UML(User Mode Linux)はLinux上で別のLinuxをゲストOSとして実行させるオープンソフトウェアです。
2005年4月にリリースされたNovell SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3日本語版(以下SLP9.3)では標準でUMLが使用できるようになっています。
ここではSLP9.3をUML環境のホストOSとして利用し、UML環境のゲストOSとしてVine Linux 3.1を使用するという構成のUML環境を構築する手順を紹介します。
※Vine Linux 3.1は2004年11月にリリースされています。
ホストOS側で[UMLインストール]を実行させた後でVine Linux 3.1をUML環境で動作させます。
ホストOS側で[UMLインストール]を実行する手順は次のようになります。 precompiled scripts
.bash_history .exrc .fonts.cache-1 .gnupg .mozilla bin
config if-down.d ifcfg-lo ifroute-lo scripts dhcp if-up.d ifcfg.template providers wireless
# # hosts This file describes a number of hostname-to-address # mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem. It is mostly # used at boot time, when no name servers are running. # On small systems, this file can be used instead of a # "named" name server. # Syntax: # # IP-Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname # localhost # special IPv6 addresses ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback fe00::0 ipv6-localnet ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts
. boot.local isdn rc6.d .. boot.localfs joystick rcS.d .depend.boot boot.localnet kbd reboot .depend.start ksysguardd resmgr .depend.stop boot.proc lirc rpasswdd Makefile boot.restore_permissions mdadmd rpmconfigcheck README boot.rootfsck mdnsd rsyncd SuSEfirewall2_init boot.sched microcode sane-dev SuSEfirewall2_setup boot.scpm network saslauthd acpid boot.scsidev nfs setserial alsasound boot.shm nfsboot single atd boot.swap nfsserver skeleton autofs boot.sysctl nmb slpd autoyast boot.udev nscd smb bluetooth canna openct smbfs boot cron pcscd smpppd boot.cleanup cups portmap snmpd boot.clock dbus postfix splash boot.coldplug earlykbd powerfail splash_early boot.crypto earlykdm powersaved sshd boot.d earlysyslog random syslog boot.device-mapper esound raw xdm boot.evms fbset rc xfs boot.idedma gpm rc0.d xinetd boot.ipconfig hal rc1.d xntpd boot.isapnp halt rc2.d ypbind boot.klog halt.local rc3.d boot.ldconfig hplip rc4.d boot.loadmodules hwscan rc5.d
. chargen-udp daytime-udp netstat servers systat vnc .. cups-lpd echo rsync services time chargen daytime echo-udp sane-port swat time-udp
# default: off # description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login \ # prompt. This VNC connection has a resolution of 1024x768, 16bit depth. service vnc1 { type = UNLISTED port = 5901 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvnc server_args = :42 -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 disable = yes } # default: off # description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login \ # prompt. This VNC connection has a resolution of 1280x1024, 16bit depth. service vnc2 { type = UNLISTED port = 5902 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvnc server_args = :42 -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 16 disable = yes } # default: off # description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login \ # prompt. This VNC connection has a resolution of 1600x1200, 16bit depth. service vnc3 { type = UNLISTED port = 5903 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvnc server_args = :42 -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1600x1200 -depth 16 disable = yes } # default: off # description: This serves out the vncviewer Java applet for the VNC \ # server running on port 5901, (vnc port 1). service vnchttpd1 { type = UNLISTED port = 5801 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/vnc_inetd_httpd server_args = 1024 768 5901 disable = yes } # default: off # description: This serves out the vncviewer Java applet for the VNC \ # server running on port 5902, (vnc port 2). service vnchttpd2 { type = UNLISTED port = 5802 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/vnc_inetd_httpd server_args = 1280 1024 5902 disable = yes } # default: off # description: This serves out the vncviewer Java applet for the VNC \ # server running on port 5902, (vnc port 3). service vnchttpd3 { type = UNLISTED port = 5803 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/X11R6/bin/vnc_inetd_httpd server_args = 1600 1200 5903 disable = yes }
/dev/ubda /dev/ubdb13 /dev/ubdc5 /dev/ubda0 /dev/ubdb14 /dev/ubdc6 /dev/ubda1 /dev/ubdb15 /dev/ubdc7 /dev/ubda10 /dev/ubdb2 /dev/ubdc8 /dev/ubda11 /dev/ubdb3 /dev/ubdc9 /dev/ubda12 /dev/ubdb4 /dev/ubdd /dev/ubda13 /dev/ubdb5 /dev/ubdd0 /dev/ubda14 /dev/ubdb6 /dev/ubdd1 /dev/ubda15 /dev/ubdb7 /dev/ubdd10 /dev/ubda2 /dev/ubdb8 /dev/ubdd11 /dev/ubda3 /dev/ubdb9 /dev/ubdd12 /dev/ubda4 /dev/ubdc /dev/ubdd13 /dev/ubda5 /dev/ubdc0 /dev/ubdd14 /dev/ubda6 /dev/ubdc1 /dev/ubdd15 /dev/ubda7 /dev/ubdc10 /dev/ubdd2 /dev/ubda8 /dev/ubdc11 /dev/ubdd3 /dev/ubda9 /dev/ubdc12 /dev/ubdd4 /dev/ubdb /dev/ubdc13 /dev/ubdd5 /dev/ubdb0 /dev/ubdc14 /dev/ubdd6 /dev/ubdb1 /dev/ubdc15 /dev/ubdd7 /dev/ubdb10 /dev/ubdc2 /dev/ubdd8 /dev/ubdb11 /dev/ubdc3 /dev/ubdd9 /dev/ubdb12 /dev/ubdc4
root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/bash daemon:x:2:2:Daemon:/sbin:/bin/bash lp:x:4:7:Printing daemon:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/bash mail:x:8:12:Mailer daemon:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/bin/false games:x:12:100:Games account:/var/games:/bin/bash wwwrun:x:30:8:WWW daemon apache:/var/lib/wwwrun:/bin/false ftp:x:40:49:FTP account:/srv/ftp:/bin/bash nobody:x:65534:65533:nobody:/var/lib/nobody:/bin/bash man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/cache/man:/bin/bash news:x:9:13:News system:/etc/news:/bin/bash uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/bash named:x:44:44:Name server daemon:/var/lib/named:/bin/false at:x:25:25:Batch jobs daemon:/var/spool/atjobs:/bin/bash messagebus:x:100:101:User for D-BUS:/var/run/dbus:/bin/false wnn:x:66:1:Wnn System Account:/var/lib/wnn:/bin/false postfix:x:51:51:Postfix Daemon:/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false ntp:x:74:65534:NTP daemon:/var/lib/ntp:/bin/false sshd:x:71:65:SSH daemon:/var/lib/sshd:/bin/false haldaemon:x:101:102:User for haldaemon:/var/run/hal:/bin/false
/dev/ubda3 / reiserfs acl,user_xattr 1 1 /dev/ubda1 /boot ext2 acl,user_xattr 1 2 /dev/ubda2 swap swap pri=42 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs noauto 0 0
/dev/ubda3 / reiserfs rw,acl,user_xattr 0 0 proc /proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620,gid=5 0 0 /dev/ubda1 /boot ext2 rw,acl,user_xattr 0 0
# Disable response to broadcasts. # You don't want yourself becoming a Smurf amplifier. net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1 # enable route verification on all interfaces net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1 # enable ipV6 forwarding #net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
設定する必要があります シリンダ数. あなたは特別機能メニューからこれを行なうことができます Disk /home/uml0/ubd0: 0 MB, 0 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors Units = セクタ数 of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes デバイス Boot Start End Blocks Id System /home/uml0/ubd0p1 63 128519 64228+ 83 Linux /home/uml0/ubd0p2 128520 1156679 514080 82 Linux swap / Solaris /home/uml0/ubd0p3 1156680 8385929 3614625 83 Linux# mkdir /mnt/tmp
(1)QEMU環境でのVine Linux 3.1のインストール (2)VNCサーバの導入と自動起動設定 (3)日本語入力パッケージ(Anthy,uim,uimアプレット)のインストール ※仮想フレームバッファデバイスの導入は不要です。 (4)日本語入力環境の変更 (5)/etc/fstabの編集 (6)ネットワーク設定ファイルの変更 (7)UML環境用カーネルモジュールの取り込み |
設定する必要があります シリンダ数. あなたは特別機能メニューからこれを行なうことができます Disk vine31uml.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes 128 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors Units = セクタ数 of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes デバイス Boot Start End Blocks Id System vine31uml.img1 * 63 4193279 2096608+ 83 Linux